Veterans’ Counselling

Did you experience trauma while serving, and it has followed you around ever since?

Have you struggled to adapt to civilian life?

Have your relationships frayed?

Your service to Canada may have helped make you the person you are today, and you may miss some aspects of it, but it’s also complicated life ever since.  Military service, and especially overseas deployment, can expose you to physical and psychological stress that can affect you for years.  It can also worsen or complicate issues that predate your service.  You’d like to keep the traits and habits that the Military helped strengthen, while repairing the areas of collateral damage.

Returning to civilian life can feel isolating.  Military veterans make up only 1.5 percent of our population.  But you are not alone. According to the Canadian government, about one-fifth of Canadian veterans experience a diagnosed mental health disorder at some time during their lives, the most common of which are depression, PTSD, and anxiety disorders.  Also, in a 2010 study of veterans who were discharged from service between 1998 and 2007, about 24% reported a diagnosed mental health challenge, such as PTSD, depression, or anxiety.  Of course, the real numbers are probably even higher.

Many veterans also experience difficulty reintegrating with their families, maintaining or forming healthy relationships, substance abuse, and issues that go undiagnosed but still interfere with day-to-day life.

We Can Help

The therapists at Spacious Minds Counseling work with veterans.  Here are a few of the challenges you may be dealing with that we can help you navigate:

Sometimes looking outside for help is hard, but you’ve done much harder things.  Working on issues takes courage and resolve.  It allows you not only to perform your current duties and uphold current obligations, but also to be good to yourself.  You’ve served our country, and we hope to help you any way we can.

Free no-obligation 20-minute consultation

...with the option to stay for a full session right after if you so choose.

We offer online, in-person and telephone coaching sessions and look forward to working together. You can also book your normal sessions online by clicking the button below.